The heat is on, and it’s time to say goodbye to the old AC…Animation Club, that is! What was formerly Animation Club has now become the 14-ish member strong Family Camp, and we are preparing to take over the world…or at least get together every two months or so. Check out our Tumblr Page here, and our Ident over there <<<<<<<. Special Thanks to Kenny Kusiak for his excellent sound design!
It has not been, by anyone’s account, an easy winter. So let us all rejoice in the fact that there does seem to be an end in sight. Just because I was wrapped up in a wool scarf and my winter jacket yesterday, does not mean we will not be sitting outdoors enjoying the fresh air and sunlight soon. BUT, as we patiently wait for t-shirt weather to come, we can still escape by going to animation festivals! Which festival should you attend, you ask? How about the Northwest Animation Festival in Portland, OR where my short Bullets for Breakfast will be playing along with other great films like my friend Robert Milne’s Crow’s Nest! I can’t attend, alas, but if you don’t need to hop on a plane to get there, I suggest you grab yourself a ticket!